Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Cover Designs! #31: In Honor


Cover Designs is a feature in which I try to match up the outfit on a book cover with a dress pattern and sometimes even potential fabric matches as well. Today's pick is a YA novel that would be a good summer read -- it's by Jessi Kirby, titled In Honor. 

Summary from the Publisher:

Honor receives her brother’s last letter from Iraq three days after learning that he died, and opens it the day his fellow Marines lay the flag over his casket. Its contents are a complete shock: concert tickets to see Kyra Kelly, her favorite pop star and Finn’s celebrity crush. In his letter, he jokingly charged Honor with the task of telling Kyra Kelly that he was in love with her.

Grief-stricken and determined to grant Finn’s last request, she rushes to leave immediately. But she only gets as far as the driveway before running into Rusty, Finn’s best friend since third grade and his polar opposite. She hasn’t seen him in ages, thanks to a falling out between the two guys, but Rusty is much the same as Honor remembers him: arrogant, stubborn . . . and ruggedly good-looking. Neither one is what the other would ever look for in a road trip partner, but the two of them set off together, on a voyage that makes sense only because it doesn’t. Along the way, they find small and sometimes surprising ways to ease their shared loss and honor Finn--but when shocking truths are revealed at the end of the road, will either of them be able to cope with the consequences?

This is a funky summer outfit, and there are two dresses that spring to mind, although I'm sure there are plenty of patterns in this style out there. 

The first choice would be the Sew Over It Rosie Dress (on sale today only, too). This has the perfect shape for a knock-off of this cover, including the cute accent at the neckline. 

A fabric like this might give a close match! 

Viscose Abstract Dot from Fabricville

If you wanted to highlight the tinge of red in the cover dress a little more forcefully, this bright print would make a great summer dress, too.

Art Deco Petals from FabricsGalore

The next option might be a vintage reprint. McCalls 7599, View A (leaving out the petticoat) would give a very similar result to this cover image. 

And of course to top off this look, you'd need to find some slouchy red cowboy boots! These Jessica Simpson boots at Poshmark were the closest version I could find, but red velvety ones would give an even closer match! 

Whatever you wear in the sunshine this summer, I hope you enjoy it - and all your summer reading too.

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