Saturday, March 16, 2013

Skirting the issue

This is a long, pleated, polyester skirt I have had for years. I bought it at the Goodwill with the intention of doing something with it as I loved the rose, turquoise & cream pattern. It originally came with a matching short-sleeved blouse but that has disappeared long since, sadly.

SO long, and my foot looks
 freakishly large here...

I was going to cut the waistband off and use the big rectangle of fabric that would result...but then I thought, no, I wouldn't. Just haven't been able to decide what to do with this one. In any case, I finally took some inspiration from refashioners online, and took out the side pockets of this skirt, stitching the resulting openings down with a narrow hem to make armholes. The waistband becomes collar (though I will have to add a little dart into each shoulder area to make it lay flat correctly, I think), and the skirt becomes dress.

Here I am modelling it with a skinny belt and cardi, and my favourite turquoise owl pendant, also from the Goodwill.
Notice the fabric shimmers slightly too
This was a fun one but I doubt I will wear it without a sweater of some type, as I don't really like sleeveless all that much, especially with the cut in style of this design. Best for younger, trimmer ladies, I think!

1 comment:

  1. You've done a great job on both of these items! I love the green/black of the first dress and the softness of it...the second one I haven't seen the fabric but the description sounds nice...p.s.: don't worry about going want to be comfortable! and confident!


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