Friday, January 17, 2025

Make Nine 2025

I'm putting together a Make Nine grid for 2025 -- even though I have never completed a Make Nine yet! But I enjoy the planning and it helps to think about what you might want to sew in the months ahead. For the last couple of years I have also included a Use Nine list, looking at fabrics that I wanted to use up. But this year I'm sticking with patterns only. A fabric stash overhaul is in my future, and once I know what I am going to keep I will match up fabrics and patterns. 

Last year I made 3 items from my Make Nine list. That seems to be my average completion rate! I made: 

Burda 115-05-2023 dress

Burda 6354 blouse

ITS Palermo top

Just like last year, these are aspirational lists; I'm not holding myself to anything! I'm really a mood sewist, just like I'm a mood reader, so these lists are fun to make but not rigid at all, or I will get sewing block pretty quickly. I know myself. 

And again this year I found it hard to decide on only nine! I started with many more ideas. But I know I have less sewing time and am trying to prioritize things that will fit into my wardrobe plans while still also being fun things I'm excited about. This plan is intended to keep these projects top of mind, not act as a hard and fast rule that I must make all of them. And so, starting fresh with a new 9x9 grid, here are my hopes and plans for 2025 projects.

I just bought this one late 2024 and I just love the details in it. I'm feeling like making some big shirts this year! 

I love this one. Also bought it in 2024 and really want to make it! 

Won this one very recently via PatternReview, and I like the top view a lot. 

I picked this up at a thrift store a few months ago, and it is perfect for a modern Vyshyvanka. View C or D are the ones I'm looking at in particular.

I'd like to make the jacket from this pattern - it's a nice simple one that I want to test out to use with large prints. 

This pretty shirtdress is my kind of summer wear. I have a purple fabric that leapt to mind when I saw this pattern so hope to match them up this year. 

I've had this pattern for a long time and always thought it was a nice silhouette, with interesting seam lines. Going to try it out this year! 

I like the lines in this one and want to make a version with a contrast facing at the neckline. 

This cozy knit dress is just my style - dolman sleeves and a bit of an 80s vibe to it. 

I also hope to use all stash to make these items, even if I'm not sure which actual fabrics yet. And I will have to see if I beat my record of making 3/9 from my plans every year ;) 


  1. Girl, you are dangerous. I glommed on that Baxter oversized shirt and had to have the pattern, Then I spied the leggings and another blouse pattern that was different from my usual camp shirts. So much for "pattern fast" but I have no regrets.

    1. Haha! Sorry to be a bad influence ;) I agree, her patterns are so interesting. We'll have to compare Baxters when we both get them made up!

  2. I bought three of her patterns; the Baxter, Waverly Leggings and the Mercer Top. Putting the PDF of the Baxter together was a bear as was the Mercer. The row and column labels for the US paper size weren't there and the tiled thumbnail map did not match up with the PDF sheets. And I dropped the sheaf of paper on my way to the table and got them out of order which made it worse. It was like putting together a jigsaw puzzle without the picture. It took a while but I managed. I'm wanting to like the patterns but I'm not off to a good start so the proof will be in the results.

    1. Yikes, that sounds like a trial! Hope they turn out.


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